4D Theatre is a flagship product by Virtual Worlds. I have been the main developer of the product since its conception in 2016.

The tool aimed at KBB showrooms, provides customers who have had a bathroom or kitchen design created for them with the Virtual Worlds software, the ability to view their design in virtual reality.

The application is driven from a mobile/tablet interface and so required knowledge of client-server networking.

This project made use of many design patterns such as model-view-controller, command, factory and observer patterns.

Throughout development, a lot of knowledge has been gained regarding Unity’s intricacies. For example - lots of gameobjects containing a component with an empty Update function, caused an fps drop due to how Unity discovers the function via reflection which comes at a cost.

The software has also won multiple awards including the KBB innovation award.

This software has opened up many R&D avenues. One such example was using portals to navigate between virtual spaces.